The flash memory is the location where the Arduino program (sketch) is stored.The SRAM memory is 6KB while the flash memory and EEPROM memories are 48KB and 256bytes respectively.It carries a crystal oscillator with a clock speed of around 20MHz which is necessary to synchronize all internal functions of the board.No components are available on the B-side, this gives you the ability to solder the board directly into your main PCB design, reducing the height of the entire project.

Arduino Nano Every is a tiny powerful board that is based on the ATMega4809 AVR processor.I suggest you read this post till the end as I’ll walk you through the complete Introduction to Arduino Nano Every covering datasheet, pinout, pin description, features, and applications. The Arduino comes with easy to use hardware and software platform that even a non-tech person can get a hands-on experience without having prior technical knowledge about these boards. In other words, you can control the board by sending a lot of instructions to the microcontroller of the board. You can use Arduino IDE software to program the Arduino board. It takes the input like a finger on a button or light on a sensor and converts it into an output like turning on the motor, activating LED blinking, and something sharing online. The working of this tiny beast is simple and straightforward. Needless to say, Arduino has been a cornerstone of many electronic projects ranging from simple student projects to complex automation and embedded projects. The low price and small size make this board an ideal pick for the range of electrical projects like electronic musical instruments, low-cost robots, and general development of the small parts of the large projects. It carries two 15 pin connectors on each side of the board that are pin-pin compatible with the Arduino Nano Every.

It comes with a clock speed of around 20MHz and flash memory of around 48KB. In this post today, I’ll detail the Introduction to Arduino Nano Every.Īrduino Nano Every is a tiny powerful board that is based on the ATMega4809 AVR processor.